Here is the link to the page which has been set up by our IT system administrator:
instructions how to patch releases for LST and produce new RPMs
System administration and paramter settings:
1. SLC3 on all nodes
2. ssh access without password between all nodes
3 afs access
4 1. IP port range - execute the
following command
> cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range
Currently on SLC3 the output is:
32768 61000
This is ok for us.
5 Max number of file descriptors per OS - execute
> cat /proc/sys/fs/file-max
Currently on SLC3 the output is:
This is ok for us.
6 Max number of file descriptors per process - execute
> ulimit -n
in bash
> limit descriptors
in tcsh
Currently on SLC3 the output is:
This should be set to 8196.
7. there is no cleanup of /tmp
8. all nodes are time synchronized via ntp
9. The system should be cleaned from servers, daemons etc. installed by
previous users
10. No automatic updates must be performed. Necessary updates should be
scheduled for
a fixed time/interval to be agreed upon. Details need to be
11. all nodes are dual processors at least 1 GHz and 500 MByte memory
12. Directories and Account
all directories should give read and execute access to all enabled accounts
/pool/online belonging to the atlonl account; writable only by atlonl - to
be used for all online related tests
/pool/hlt belonging to the effuser account; writable only by effuser
- to be used for ef related tests: Infrastructure and HLT-S tests
/pool/df belonging to the dcuser account; writable only by dcuser -
to be used for LVL2 /ROS/EB related tests
/pool/tdaq belonging to the atlonl account; writble only by atlonl -
only for the tdaq release
note: we should be able run the general 'step 4' tests from any account; if not
then we run it from the atlonl account
we could ask for
/pool/users writable by all enabled users, so everyone could
created his/her /pool/users/myname directory
enabled users:
atlonl , effuser , dcuser
and the user accounts
werner, sobreira, doris, haimo, Hegoi