Running the Tests - working information

To use setup, you have to set in .bashrc: "export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.19"

IPC_INIT_REF:Usage of fixed port numbers for 'corbaloc' mechanism
atlonl: 12000 to 12099     effuser:12100 to 12199     dcuser:12200 to 12299     doris: 13000     per: 13010     haimo:  13020     sobreira:13030

For tools and  information on scripts see the Tools entry

For system and component parameter setting see the Settings entry

Get the list of nodes in the virtual cluster atlas_daq which are currently alive:


if you run it with parameter -disk you will get the amount of disk space, for all the nodes
if you run it with parameter -ram you will get the amount of ram space, for all the nodes

Get the complete list of nodes in the virtual cluster atlas_daq:

/usr/bin/CDBHosts -cl atlas_tdaq

to use the rgang tools you have to add to your path:

# --- Setup rgang
export PATH=${PATH}:/afs/

# --- Setup rgang
setenv PATH ${PATH}:/afs/

use of is_test_source and is_test_receiver  
= options -I and -i in create_user.bash

is_test_source and is_test_receiver are not part of the standard software repository.
For the LST, a  software replository has been created which incudes those 2 binaries,
which is on /afs/

you have to add the path for the new sw repository before the standard path, so:


add new hosts to the machines files
when they become part of the atlas_daq virtual cluster:

adding new nodes for LST  (Gokhan Unel)
is the script to be run.
it creates 2 files in /afs/ where all the info (CPU/memory..) is stored and
machines-LST05.txt where the list of machines to be selected from is stored.

* the long hostnames (with DN) are used
* this process should NOT be parallelized, since multiple lines are written for the same host. In case of parallel processing, one can not know what line belongs to which host.

Directories and Account

all directories should give read and execute access to all enabled accounts

/pool/online      belonging to the atlonl account; writable only by atlonl - to be used for all online related tests
/pool/hlt            belonging to the effuser account; writable only by effuser - to be used for ef related tests: Infrastructure and HLT-S tests
/pool/df             belonging to the dcuser account; writable only by dcuser - to be used for LVL2 /ROS/EB related tests
/pool/tdaq         belonging to the atlonl account; writble only by atlonl - only for the tdaq release

note: we should be able run the general 'step 4'  tests from any account; if not then  we run it from the atlonl account

we could ask for
/pool/users     writable by all enabled users, so everyone could
   created his/her  /pool/users/myname directory

enabled users:
atlonl , effuser , dcuser
and the user accounts
werner, sobreira, doris, haimo, Hegoi

Here are instructions how to patch releases for LST and produce new RPMs:

1. ssh
2. cd /pool/tdaq/patches
3. download & apply patch to the release
4. cd /pool/tdaq
5. find /pool/tdaq/tdaq-01-0R-00 | ~/ tdaq v010R XX >/dev/null &
where R is either 2 or 3 for tdaq release and XX is patch level of the rpm.
wait ~30minutes.
6. send the file location to Veronique Lefebure <>
           from Andrei