1. RH 7.3 , kernel is version 2.4.20-30.7 (includes security patches)
2. file descriptors are set to 65536 and to 4096 per user 3. IP port range is set to 1024 to 65535 4. there is no cleanup of /tmp 5. all nodes are time synchronized via ntp 7. all nodes are dual processors (several different types 550 MHZ, 800 MHz, 1 GB and later 2.4) 8. login is enabled for the following afs accounts: atlonl , effuser , dcuser
/pool/online belonging to the atlonl account
/pool/hlt belonging to the effuser account
/pool/df belonging to the dcuser account
all with read and execute rights to all the three accounts;
note that effuser must also have write access to /pool/df