NODE_SELECTION (June 2005) Antonio Sobreira de Almeida <> PURPOSE: Given: 1. a file with tags and hosts (called here source_file) and 2. another file (called here command_file) with 'new tags' and 'old tags', 'number' of nodes and their 'multiplicity', the program makes a new file (output_file) with a new node configuration (a 'new tag' followed by a 'number' of nodes repeated 'multiplicity' times from the selected 'old tag') Syntax: source_file command_file.txt output_file (the user can specify the source_file name, as well as the command_file and output_file names) REMARKS: -In the source_file, the tag should be made of just one string (WITHOUT whitespaces): OK: '# TAG1FAST' NOT_OK: '# TAG1 FAST' The same to the old tag (should be equal to one of the tags in the source file), since if there were whitespaces in the command file they would be interpreted as separate fields -Nodes are given to each new_tag sequentially as in the source file -This script has a strong error detection mechanism: it detects several formating errors in the command_file and displays what errors have occurred; if some error is detected, no output_file will be created (it will even delete some output_file already created to avoid misusing of one output_file already created in a previous use of this script -Lines starting with # in the command_file will be considered as comments -Lines starting with # in the source_file will be considered as tags -The script has tolerance to blanklines, tabs '\t' and different number of whitespaces -In the output_file, tags will be of type: # Tag_Name, accordingly to usual convention, even if in the source_file the space (' ') has not been considered. There is no blankline between node_names and new_tags -After a node has been included to some new_tag (with the specified multiplicity), it will not appear under another new_tag -If a Multiplicity is not specified, it will be 1 BY DEFAULT. -A sequence of commands of this type: #Function (new_tag) From (old_tag) Number Multiplicity HOSTS_A NODES_SET1 4 8 HOSTS_A NODES_SET1 2 will have the expected result: after the #HOSTS_A tag, 4 nodes belonging to NODES_SET1 repeated 8 times, followed by more two of these nodes (but not those which were already used) (each one appearing only once - Multiplicity ==1) Example: Command: > source_file_example command_file_example outputfile_example ******* OK!! Program executed successfully 'output_file' file was created ******* _______________________________________source_file_example__________________________ # File with nodes # NODES_SET0 # NODES_SET1 node1_1 node1_2 node1_3 node1_4 node1_5 node1_6 node1_7 node1_8 node1_9 node1_10 node1_11 node1_12 node1_13 node1_14 node1_15 node1_16 node1_17 node1_18 node1_19 node1_20 node1_21 node1_22 node1_23 node1_24 node1_25 node1_26 node1_27 node1_28 node1_29 node1_30 #NODES_SET2 node2_1 node2_2 node2_3 node2_4 node2_5 node2_6 node2_7 node2_8 node2_9 node2_10 node2_11 node2_12 node2_13 node2_14 node2_15 #NODES_SET3 node3_1 node3_2 node3_3 node3_4 node3_5 node3_6 node3_7 node3_8 node3_9 #NODES_SET4 node4_1 node4_2 node4_3 node4_4 node4_5 node4_6 node4_7 node4_8 node4_9 #NODES_SET5 node5_1 node5_1 #NODES_SET6 #NODES_SET7 node7_1 node7_2 node7_3 node7_4 node7_5 node7_6 ************************************************************************************ _______________________________________command_file_example________________________ #COMMAND FILE EXAMPLE [uncomment the lines and remove their description in front if you want to test the response to some possible errors] #Function (newtag) From (oldtag) Number Multiplicity HOSTS_A NODES_SET1 4 8 HOSTS_REMAINING_1 NODES_SET1 0 2 HOSTS_B NODES_SET2 1 6 HOSTS_C NODES_SET3 2 5 HOSTS_D NODES_SET4 1 #HOSTS_NON_DIGIT NODES_SET4 a #non digit error HOSTS_E NODES_SET5 1 #HOSTS_F NODES_SET6 1 #not existing nodes HOSTS_G NODES_SET7 1 #HOSTS_H NODES_SET_NON_EXIST 1 #not existing tag in source_file #HOSTS_I NODES_SET5 1 HOSTS_J NODES_SET2 1 HOSTS_K NODES_SET3 1 HOSTS_L NODES_SET4 6 #HOSTS_M NODES_SET1 1 #nodes overflow HOSTS_N NODES_SET4 1 HOSTS_REMAINING_7 NODES_SET7 0 **************************************OUTPUT FILE******** ______________________________________output_file_example_________________________ # HOSTS_A node1_1 node1_1 node1_1 node1_1 node1_1 node1_1 node1_1 node1_1 node1_2 node1_2 node1_2 node1_2 node1_2 node1_2 node1_2 node1_2 node1_3 node1_3 node1_3 node1_3 node1_3 node1_3 node1_3 node1_3 node1_4 node1_4 node1_4 node1_4 node1_4 node1_4 node1_4 node1_4 # HOSTS_REMAINING_1 node1_5 node1_5 node1_6 node1_6 node1_7 node1_7 node1_8 node1_8 node1_9 node1_9 node1_10 node1_10 node1_11 node1_11 node1_12 node1_12 node1_13 node1_13 node1_14 node1_14 node1_15 node1_15 node1_16 node1_16 node1_17 node1_17 node1_18 node1_18 node1_19 node1_19 node1_20 node1_20 node1_21 node1_21 node1_22 node1_22 node1_23 node1_23 node1_24 node1_24 node1_25 node1_25 node1_26 node1_26 node1_27 node1_27 node1_28 node1_28 node1_29 node1_29 node1_30 node1_30 # HOSTS_B node2_1 node2_1 node2_1 node2_1 node2_1 node2_1 # HOSTS_C node3_1 node3_1 node3_1 node3_1 node3_1 node3_2 node3_2 node3_2 node3_2 node3_2 # HOSTS_D node4_1 # HOSTS_E node5_1 # HOSTS_G node7_1 # HOSTS_J node2_2 # HOSTS_K node3_3 # HOSTS_L node4_2 node4_3 node4_4 node4_5 node4_6 node4_7 # HOSTS_N node4_8 # HOSTS_REMAINING_7 node7_2 node7_3 node7_4 node7_5 node7_6